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"Healer" by Sid Ghosh


Cameras from 

these corners chase 

the demons 

off withering joy.

Can I feel 

joy without 

that flash?

- Sid Ghosh


Sid Ghosh, also known online as “Down Like Sid,” is an advocate for the Autism and Down Syndrome communities. Being a poet and advocate has presented Sid with much deserved opportunities to be spotlighted in the public eye.

While we love seeing people from our communities succeed, many of us will play a role in advocacy that is more behind the scenes. However, it is a great joy for us to cheer on and support those who gain a platform and following.

I thought it would be helpful to go over some guidelines for how to engage with online creators and advocates in a way that is constructive for us, the fans, when interacting with content creators and/or advocates.

Respect boundaries

People who hear from the masses online likely do not have time to respond to every comment or message of support you may give. Everyone has different boundaries as well – some creators will let you slide right into their DMs, whereas others prefer to stick to liking comments of support, and some may not have the energy to respond at all. Each of these is perfectly valid. I personally feel like it is our responsibility as viewers to remember to respect the boundaries that creators have online. (But, of course, it is okay to be happy if they like one of your comments!)

Engage with content in an encouraging way

Here’s an interesting business fact: Did you know that customers are more likely to share negative reviews of a business than a positive review? One study found that almost half of customers who had a negative experience with a company left a review, which can outshine the 38% positive reviews. As expected of humans, when something goes wrong, we want to talk about it. So, what if someone is doing something right? Will they receive positive feedback for what they are doing?

If something a creator or advocate posts really resonates with you, let them know! If you’re comfortable, put it in the comments. There is a lot of hate and negativity online, so why not help break through the negative feedback to encourage someone?

One thing to keep in mind is that not every video or post may be insightful or helpful for you. That is absolutely okay! If the creator’s content overall is helpful, then keep following them to see what they do next. If a creator is no longer serving your feed, then it is okay to unfollow to make room for creators whose content speaks to you.

Speak up about poor actions, not the person

Now, from the title, I understand that this does not go for everyone. If a public figure consistently disparages a person or community when it is uncalled for, you absolutely can tell them to back off (if you want to. Sadly, people who are committed to being rude on the internet are unlikely to stop). However, there are times when someone does misspeak, films it, posts it, and then receives feedback that leaves them wondering, “Wait, why did I say that? I shouldn’t have said that!”

If you’ve been following a creator and they misspeak, it is okay to say in the comments that they missed the mark. But before critiquing their character, it may be best to give them a few days to absorb the feedback they received, and give them time to craft a response. Sometimes people do double down or try to clarify what they said, which is often not helpful, or they may give a genuine apology and commit to doing better.

If there are no consistent issues with what the creator is saying and they can admit when they slip up, then there’s no need to hit that unfollow button. However, if there are constant issues and no sincere reflection from the content creator, then you may want to refocus your time on voices that are more aligned with your values.

In Conclusion…

I hope that you found these quick tips for interacting with creators and influencers helpful. I wanted to say a huge thank you to Sid for writing this poem and letting us share it on our blog. You can follow Sid's work on his Instagram at DownLikeSid. If you would like to strengthen your interpersonal or professional advocacy skills, you can book an intake call with one of our life coaches today.

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